Not just cosmetic

The dentistry profession talks about cosmetic orthodontics like getting your teeth straightened was simply a matter of looking better, but the truth is that straight teeth tend to stay stronger and healthier for longer.

Cosmetic Orthodontics in HammersmithHere at Kings Dental Clinic, the reason we talk about cosmetic orthodontics in Hammersmith is because people with mild to moderate misalignments will be able to eat and speak okay without being in great pain. But even if this is so, if you have crowded or crossing teeth, there are all sorts of nooks and crannies in which plaque can build up. And that’s the last thing you want because plaque is what ruins your teeth and gums. Plaque is the name for that sticky layer that builds up on your teeth. If you smeared some on a microscope you’d be able to see thousands of bacteria, feeding on the sugars in your mouth and giving off acid.

Your mouth on acid

It’s the acid that does the damage. It eats away at the protective coating of enamel on your teeth. If it makes a hole, the next thing that happens is that bacteria can in through the hole and start eating away at the dentin and pulp inside. This is what dental decay is. Fixing it requires filling, or if it doesn’t get fixed, infection can follow, which can lead to root canal therapy, or even extraction.

As well as decay, the acid from plaque is responsible for gum disease. This starts off with inflammation of the gums, but when it pulls away from the teeth to form pockets, the acid can start to attack the bone underneath, and this can loosen your teeth in their sockets and they may even have to be removed. Advanced gum disease is very hard to get rid of. Best not to get it in the first place.

Cosmetic braces

Braces that are designed to correct mild to moderate misalignments are generally smaller and more discreet. Some are even as good as invisible. They tend to use gentler forces and because the teeth don’t need to move all that much to straighten up, treatment can take from a matter of weeks to a few months.