Repairing dental crowns Hammersmith

Breaking a tooth can be a devastating experience, especially if it is a tooth located at the front of your mouth. Cracking or chipping, as well as tooth decay, can also cause the crown of the tooth to be lost. It is not always necessary to remove the entire tooth and dental crowns Hammersmith have been used in this type of repair for decades with impressive results.

When are dental crowns used?

There are many reasons why dental crowns Hammersmith might be the right option for you.  A few of these are when a tooth has become weak through decay to the point of breaking or if a tooth has been severely worn down. The tooth may be needed to support a bridge or to provide protection when a root canal procedure has been performed. A discoloured or misshapen tooth may require a cosmetic makeover, crowns are also the final stage of a dental implant.

Different types of crowns

Traditionally a crown is made to cover the entire tooth, however there are also three-quarter crowns and onlays which do not cover the entire tooth. These may be suggested when there is still a sound solid tooth structure. It is always a dentist’s aim to try and retain as much of your natural teeth as possible.

Materials used to create a crown

Over the decades modern dental science and technology have combined to provide the dental profession with new materials from which to create more and more natural looking crowns, both in shape and colour. Gold, and a variety of other metals used to be very popular and are still in use today, although these days mainly for the rear molars. Porcelain has become increasingly popular because of its ability to be matched to existing teeth more easily. Resin crowns are also available, but are not as hard wearing as metal and porcelain. Ceramic is another hard wearing material selected usually for a front tooth and especially useful if you have a metal allergy.

What is the procedure?

Dental crowns Hammersmith will normally require you to have at least two visits. The first visit requires an examination including X-rays of the specific tooth and the surrounding bone. During this examination we are specifically looking to see if there is any tooth decay, injury to the pulp of the tooth or any risk of later infection. Once we are satisfied that it is safe to proceed we will file the tooth across the top and the sides to make space for the crown. The amount of filing depends on the type of crown selected, metal crowns require less filing as they are thinner. Next we will take an impression of the tooth with dental putty, as well as the teeth above and below, to ensure that your bite is correct. This is sent off to the laboratory together with an exact colour match. On your return visit we will check the shape and colour of your crown to ensure that it matches your existing teeth. We will then cement the crown into place, if you require it, we can administer a local anaesthetic to ensure that you have no discomfort.

Your smile and confidence restored

Dental crowns allow you to eat and drink normally and to conduct your normal brushing and flossing maintenance. In addition to returning to life as normal you will also be able to show the world your confident, radiant smile.

Safe delivery of facial aesthetics in Hammersmith

As part of their training dentists cover the muscles, bones and skin of the body especially in the head, neck and shoulders. They have to be able to identify when a jaw and teeth are not in alignment. This makes them perfectly placed to deliver facial aesthetics Hammersmith treatments with a little further specialised training. They also already have the perfect sterile environment in their surgeries to ensure that their treatments are safe. In addition to general dental, cosmetic and advanced dental procedures, aesthetic treatments also enhance a patient’s self-esteem.

A progressive approach

We believe that listening to patients’ concerns and expectations is a vital part of providing the correct treatment. Over the years we have extended the treatments we offer in response to your requests and we believe that facial aesthetics Hammersmith complement our existing skills and that it is beneficial to our patients to offer this service alongside dentistry. Our caring and understanding approach has earned us dental phobia certification. Often people display the same fear of facial aesthetics treatment and we use the same approach to put these patients at ease. We are used to operating in a sterile environment using tried and trusted medical techniques to ensure that our instruments are properly disinfected. In addition we utilise a decontamination room to ensure that your safety is always guaranteed.

Treatments available

Running alongside our normal dental treatments we offer rejuvenation treatments which are non-invasive and are delivered non-surgically. Our skin can show signs of ageing due to a variety of factors. Age spots and loss of elasticity can be caused by exposure to the sun, a poor diet and excessive smoking, just some of the more common causes. Our skilled practitioners use the very latest techniques, equipment and treatments to combat these signs of ageing. We use botulinum toxin to relax the facial muscles, resulting in a smoother skin appearance. The treatment takes between five to ten minutes and results can normally be seen within a few days. The treatment is non-surgical and lasts roughly three months after which it will need to be repeated. Dermal fillers which replace the hyaluronic acid lost over time will plump up wrinkles and lines producing a more youthful look. This same process is used for lip enhancement and to shape the contours of your hands and neck. Another procedure which has been used medically to aid the healing of wounds is thread lift. Inserting numerous layers of absorbable polydioxanone threads will stimulate collagen production and promote firmness and elasticity of the skin. To help combat the signs of ageing a revolutionary new treatment platelet-rich plasma therapy which uses your own blood mixed with a dermal filler aids regeneration, removes damaged cells and is very effective. Mesotherapy is a treatment using a multiple injection method delivering numerous vitamins and minerals which are important to maintaining a healthy and youthful skin. Whitebox treatment is designed to reduce skin pigmentation and is applied using the multi-injection techniques of the mesotherapy procedure.

Your dental health and appearance maintained under one roof

Dental care is our primary service and concern, but by providing facial aesthetics Hammersmith we are able to satisfy numerous patient requirements all under one roof. We at Kings Dental Clinic pride ourselves on listening to and understanding the needs of our patients. We are committed to providing safe treatments so that you can face today’s world with a confident and radiant smile.

Have you been trying to find out more about cosmetic dentistry?

When people think of going to their dental practice, things such as general check-ups, fillings and braces are what generally spring to mind. Here at Kings Dental Clinic we are dedicated to helping people get the smile that they desire, and we provide a range of dental treatments alongside our more traditional ones that can benefit peoples’ smiles. Sometimes people feel as if there is nothing they can do about the things that they are unhappy with, such as enamel discolouration or a chipped tooth, but this is almost never the case. If you are unsatisfied with your smile, but are not sure whether there are treatments out there that could help or not, we recommend that you book a consultation appointment to speak to one of our practitioners about cosmetic dentistry Hammersmith. They will be able to listen to your worries and recommend which treatments will be most suited to your circumstances, answering any questions you have along the way.

It’s never too late to love your smile

A majority of people who are dissatisfied with their smile do not realise how cosmetic dentistry Hammersmith could benefit them. People who have had a chipped tooth for years have just got used to it and those who suffer from discolouration and staining have just decided it is a natural part of ageing. This is not the case, and treatments such as porcelain veneers and teeth whitening can really alter the way people feel about their smile. Instead of doing whatever they can to hide their teeth, people embrace their smile and cannot wait to proudly show it off. Teeth whitening can brighten the colour of your teeth by several shades, dramatically reducing the appearance of stains and preventing your smile from suffering from premature ageing. Veneers are useful when trying to disguise a chip in your smile, or for closing tiny gaps that are present between each of your teeth. Veneers give your smile a much more even appearance overall and can even brighten your smile a little bit in some circumstances.

Treatments that can really make a difference

Sometimes people just want to give their teeth a little bit of love and care, and this is when cosmetic dentistry Hammersmith can really come in useful. Whilst it is important to see your dental practitioner for a check-up on a regular basis if you wish to have healthy teeth, at Kings Dental Clinic we understand how sometimes you need a bit of extra ‘oomph’ when it comes to making your smile look great. We provide a wedding day package so that you can get your smile looking its best for that special day, whether it is you that is getting married or you are just attending but want to make sure you are photograph ready.

Sometimes people want to upgrade from current applications that they have, such as metallic fillings, to something that is less noticeable, such as white fillings. This upgrade can dramatically affect how people feel towards their smile, as a white filling enables a patient to laugh and speak with confidence, avoiding the worry about other people spotting metal in their mouth.

Are you looking for teeth whitening in Hammersmith?

We all want to have perfect teeth with the perfect colour, as we all feel having pearly white teeth makes us appear healthier and more attractive to others, especially members of the opposite sex. Sometimes brushing and flossing is not enough to create the look that we are trying to gain, for cases like these cosmetic dentistry may provide the solution so many are looking for.

While we are aware that there are whitening solutions available in supermarkets and on the high street, in the form of specialised toothpastes, the truth is that many who have tried them feel the results are still lacking. This is where specialised cosmetic dentistry can play an important role. Kings Dental Clinic is a purpose-built centre that strives to offer the latest most effective dental techniques to help you discover your healthy smile.

We offer specialised teeth whitening Hammersmith, to our patients who are seeking to improve the look of their teeth. This is a quick and effective cosmetic treatment that helps to remove the stains from your teeth, bringing back that natural pristine look you may desire.

Remove the stains from your teeth

Our teeth will collect stains as we use them, this is unavoidable. The eating of some foods, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes are just some of the things that can leave unsightly stains on the enamel of the teeth, in extreme cases, this can leave the teeth in an unattractive state.

The teeth whitening Hammersmith services at our practice can provide a short and long term solution to stains on the teeth, depending on the application of the treatment and the engagement level of the patient moving forward. For a long-term solution, the patient needs to be willing to repeat the treatment periodically, this will allow for the stains and the build-up on the teeth to be managed correctly, keeping the teeth looking white.

How teeth whitening services work

Teeth whitening employs different techniques to bleach the teeth, this can result in the teeth looking brilliant white when used to the extreme limits. However, when used in a more subtle way it will return the teeth to their natural bone-white look.

It is recommended that a patient discusses the results they are looking for with their dentist before undergoing treatment, this will help create a clear understanding of the expected results between the dentist and patients.

Power whitening

This is a treatment that takes place in the dentist chair, where a lamp is placed over the teeth to activate the bleaching agent. You will have a protective barrier placed over the lips and gums, so it remains on the teeth only.

Home whitening

Home whitening is a kit that consists of a plastic mouth tray and a whitening gel that is applied to the tray, this should comfortably fit in the mouth. This should be worn at night or for a few hours during the day, when using as prescribed the patient could start to see the whitening results within two weeks.

So, what are you waiting for?

If you are looking for teeth whitening Hammersmith, you should consider giving our dental practice a call to find out about the services being offered.

How to overcome dental phobia

One of the most pressing concerns with fear of the dental chair is that it prevents the patient from seeking the dental care they need. They may endure the pain or discomfort of a dental issue rather than visiting a dental clinic, until the condition worsens and they cannot ignore the pain anymore. Often, this means that the poor oral health condition has now progressed to advanced stages, necessitating more invasive and complex treatment plans.


At Kings Dental Clinic we well understand that not all patients feel comfortable seeking dental care which is why we incorporate techniques that address dental phobia Hammersmith into the dental care we provide.

The dental phobia Hammersmith experienced by patients usually is a result of a prior bad experience at the dentist in adulthood (but this fear can even be carried over from childhood). In addition to pain from prior treatments, patients who were made to feel ashamed or embarrassed about their poor oral issue or have feelings of being ‘trapped’ or lack of control whilst in the dental chair or they dread the intrusiveness of dental care are usually terrified of going to the dentist.

Patients who experience the above issues will be happy to note that dental practitioners are quite aware of this plaguing issue and that there are ways we can help patients avoid dental phobia Hammersmith.

Tips to help with dental fear

  • Understand the root cause of the fear

It is important that a patient reflect on the reason for their phobia as this may help in finding the right technique to employ to overcome it. For example, if the root cause is a prior painful experience, then a sedative dentistry technique may be best. Or, if anxiety of the dental setting is a cause, then techniques such as meditation or playing soothing music to calm the nerves may help. It is critically important that a patient understands that there are effective techniques that help, one only needs to acknowledge the problem and then address it with the dental practitioner.

  • Choose the right dentist

This cannot be stressed enough that the key to a good dental experience lies with the chosen dental practitioner. When choosing a dental clinic, make sure that dental phobia is a core part of what they do. Also investigate the types of sedation dentistry techniques available and choose the one that feels right for you.

  • Implement relaxation techniques

There is a wide variety of relaxation techniques recommended for patients who experience dental anxiety. These include: controlled deep breathing exercises, use of distractions (reading, listening to music, watching a favourite series) and taking a friend along.

Other handy tips include seeking help from a therapist, treating yourself to a reward (doing something fun). Speaking to the dentist beforehand about your fears or anxieties will help the dental practitioner help you better.

Remember the downside of dental anxiety is an unhappy smile, tooth loss, gum disease and bad breath. Don’t let dental phobia keep you away from optimal dental health, speak to us at Kings Dental Clinic about what techniques we offer that help overcome dental fear.

Oral health Hammersmith and why teamwork is essential

What is meant by oral health Hammersmith?


When our patients visit the dental practice to see the dentist, it is a common thought that the only thing being checked is the condition of their teeth. Whilst their teeth are of course being checked over and assessed these are not the only parts that are being checked, as your oral health Hammersmith also means your gums and general condition of your mouth need to be monitored. Having an excellent oral hygiene process is essential.

The daily oral hygiene process at home

Whilst we would all like to believe that a quick brush twice a day is sufficient enough to keep our oral health in the best condition, our busy daily lives often mean that the efficient oral hygiene process disappears. WIth advances in dental technology items such as electric or sonic toothbrushes have become regularly used by patients and whilst they are an excellent piece of equipment some patients believe that a quick 2 minute, half-hearted, brush will be sufficient enough. This is most certainly not the case and it is important to understand this to be able to accomplish a much more effective oral hygiene process.

How we can improve your oral health Hammersmith as a team

All dental work, whether a basic clean or a more in depth treatment plan, requires a high level of teamwork from both you the patient and us the dental team. Whilst it would be fantastic to just know the best hygiene routines and be able to effectively carry them out on a daily basis, this is not something that is common, which is why working with your dental team is of great importance. Your dental team are here to not only provide a regular deeper clean where in some cases a hygienist may be required, but to impart their wisdom to each individual, to ensure that the at-home oral hygiene process continues to improve and be as effective as possible.

Receiving targeted advice that is relevant to your own dental situation is of utmost importance, as whilst every patient needs to brush their teeth, floss and in some cases use interdental brushes, the way in which we need to carry out these tasks may vary. The first important thing which everyone needs to do is to put aside enough time to carry out a thorough clean at least once a day ourselves. With our daily lives being very busy each day we need to ensure that the quick brush and go method does not begin to become our daily process.

Having regular hygienist appointments alongside your normal check-ups will ensure that a thorough, deep clean is carried out by a professional once or twice a year and advice regarding any tweaks that may be needed to your own oral hygiene process can be given and checked in follow up appointments.

The availability of new methods, treatments and tools to maintain oral health make it easier for our patients to avoid more complex procedures that may be needed, when dental conditions develop that threaten the health of their teeth, gums and mouth in general. We advise you to take advantage of what we can offer in order for you to enjoy good dental health for years to come.

Cosmetic Orthodontics to help improve your smile

There are many different aesthetic issues that can affect the look of your smile and the way you feel about your smile. With advances in technology, there are now many different dental procedures available for the treatment of a variety of aesthetic issues of the mouth. Orthodontics is concerned with different treatment options which help improve the aesthetics of your smile, straighten your teeth and correct bite disorders. If your teeth are clean and healthy but you are unhappy about the way they look then speak to us at Kings Dental Clinic and find out about cosmetic Orthodontics in Hammersmith today.


Braces in cosmetic orthodontics

Braces are the most common form of cosmetic orthodontics in Hammersmith and used to improve the appearance and alignment of crooked teeth, protruding teeth, overcrowded teeth, and bite disorders such as overbite, underbite, crossbite. These issues of the teeth do not only affect the aesthetics of your smile but can also cause other problems such as reducing the effectiveness of home brushing and flossing techniques where you might not be able to clean those hard-to-reach areas making it more difficult to keep your teeth and gums clean and increasing the chances of bacterial infections and damage to your teeth.

Cosmetic Orthodontics as an alternative to conventional braces

Cosmetic orthodontics in Hammersmith have developed over the years to meet modern requirements and this means that there are now many types of braces available to help improve your teeth. Conventional metal braces are the most widespread and effective type of orthodontics which is commonly used in children and teenagers. However, they are very noticeable and the treatment duration is long and can sometimes stretch over many years which is why there is a reluctance amongst adults in seeking conventional orthodontic treatment. This has resulted in much research and design to be carried out in cosmetic orthodontics in Hammersmith. Many options are now available as an attractive alternative to conventional braces. Cosmetic orthodontics helps improve the aesthetics of your mouth and straighten your misaligned teeth, wonky teeth, crooked or protruding teeth, without any visible metal wires or brackets, ensuring a discrete, comfortable and convenient treatment option for you.

Six month smiles

Six Month Smiles are a popular choice of cosmetic Orthodontics and includes two treatment methods consisting of clear braces and invisible aligners. The braces involved in six month smile treatments are discrete and almost invisible as even though they consist of wires and brackets, these are matched in colour to your natural teeth. This makes them an appealing and attractive alternative to conventional metal braces. Six month smiles are used in the treatment of bite disorders, the straightening of misaligned teeth and overcrowding of the teeth, fixing issues with gaps in your teeth, and aligning crooked or protruding teeth. A significant advantage of Six Month Smiles in comparison to conventional braces is that as the name suggests, the treatment aims to reach your desired effect in the space of 6 months.

Speak to us at Kings Dental Clinic to find out what different cosmetic orthodontic treatments are available for you, and how we can help improve the way you feel about your smile today.

What is full mouth rehabilitation?

Full mouth rehabilitation, which is also known as prosthodontics, is a customised system of multiple dental treatment procedures which result in the complete reconstruction of your mouth. As medicine and technology have evolved and advanced, full mouth rehabilitation has now become a common practice in modern dentistry. Each treatment plan is individually tailored, designed to meet your unique needs, improving the health, function and appearance of your teeth and mouth overall. We are a polyclinic providing full mouth rehabilitation Hammersmith, with dentists specailaised in many different disciplines of dentistry. Therefore you can rest assured that each procedure of your treatment will be selected after carefully assessing its contribution to the final result, with your comfort and approval in mind at all times.


Who needs full mouth rehabilitation?

Throughout the course of life, damage to your teeth may occur as a result of many issues such as gum disease, cavities, accidents, injury, trauma or naturally with old age. These issues can result in tooth decay, cracked or chipped teeth, badly worn teeth, tooth loss and other issues which can result in pain, discomfort, loss of confidence, difficulty with eating and even difficulty with speech. Often the teeth can be in varying degrees of degeneration. Full mouth rehabilitation Hammersmith will be able to provide a tailored treatment plan, which means the course is suitable for anyone with such issues.

Procedures included in full mouth rehabilitation

Upon thorough examination of your mouth and any further diagnostic tests which may be required, full mouth rehabilitation Hammersmith includes a detailed treatment plan composed of different procedures, as some of the teeth may be at varying stages of damage. These different procedures include crowns and veneers, which are used to improve the look and function of the teeth. Veneers are used to cover the front of the teeth whilst crowns are used to cover the entire tooth. Procedures also include fillings, inlays and onlays which are used to repair cavities in the teeth. Dental bridging and dental implants can be carried out to replace missing teeth. The treatment plan may also include procedures such as soft tissue grafting and bone grafting to ensure there is sufficient gum and bone for the treatments to be carried out successfully.

Why have full mouth rehabilitation?

Full mouth rehabilitation is the ideal treatment plan available for you if your teeth are in varying stages of decay or damage. The aim of full mouth rehabilitation is to improve oral hygiene, increase the longevity of functioning natural dentition and ultimately the restoration of a healthy mouth, whilst providing optimal aesthetics of your mouth at the same time. The procedures are carried out to remove any pathologic or unfavourable forces which may be acting in the mouth, increasing the strength and tolerance of the surrounding gum and bone, providing a healthy environment for the teeth to allow all this to happen.

The overall process requires multiple visits to our dentist and we will provide you with a kind, caring and relaxing environment, ensuring your comfort and ease at all times under one roof by our professional, dedicated team.

Prosthodontics in Hammersmith as a solution to get your teeth back in shape

Everyone goes through difficult times. Different health issues that arise on a constant or daily basis can cause immense discomfort and disorientation in terms of wellness and wellbeing. Bad habits that become unbreakable and cause discomfort, pain and distress can lead to long time problems.This can seriously affect an individual’s lifestyle. Oral hygiene plays a key role in ensuring the overall well being of a person. It is an important aspect that is worth looking into if you wish to remain a healthy individual in the long run. Aches and pains have a negative impact on how someone goes about their everyday life. It can be crippling to have to deal with traumatic pain, as it makes one feel less capable than one actually is. Toothache can turn into a serious issue when it becomes difficult to bear. The constant discomfort that arises due to toothache will undoubtedly make a person less productive than they actually are. Prosthodontics in Hammersmith can help you acquire better dental health and a comfortable and healthy life..


What are some incidents that can cause chronic toothache?

There are many reasons that can result in chronic and prolonged toothache. These might arise due to jaw injuries, old age, and the failure to maintain proper oral hygiene in the long run. These can lead to broken teeth, bleeding gums, toothache, cavities and severe dental problems. Accidents that occur that are unforeseen can break or damage teeth. Then there is old age, when people who’ve been ignoring their oral hygiene for a while begin to lose their teeth due the failure to take care of their oral hygiene throughout a prolonged period of time.

What are some dental procedures that will help with tooth damage and toothache?

In extreme cases, a tooth or set of teeth might need to be restored or replaced. As your smile is a part of your identity, the loss of a tooth,holes in your teeth, or the discoloration can not only cause physical pain but it can cause psychological trauma as well. This can be minimised or controlled through dental procedures. Prosthodontics in Hammersmith is where severely damaged teeth are restored and replaced. Prosthodontists have additional training and knowledge in dentistry that makes them capable of dealing with complicated issues related to oral hygiene.

How can this procedure help?

Prosthodontics in Hammersmith is a highly sophisticated and intricate procedure that will help minimise and alleviate physical pain and discomfort. This will make a patient feel at ease and restore their oral health to the best possible healthy state. The ease and relief someone feels in terms of dental discomfort will help them to proceed smoothly with their everyday life. The new look offered by this treatment is priceless as it helps put things back in proper shape and give the patient confidence and a sense of wellbeing in terms of dental health and appearance. Everyone deserves a chance to have good dental health. This treatment offers this chance to everyone who wishes to take it. It is a chance worth taking for anyone who is interested in acquiring better dental health and a better smile. Every little bit counts when it comes to investing towards better dental health and hygiene.

What to expect from your root canal?

Root Canal, that sounds scary right. Well there’s no need to be daunted. We strongly believe here at King’s Dental clinic that the more you know the more confident you can be about your treatment. Yes, some complex treatments will need to be referred to a specialist but for the more common treatment of root canals in Hammersmith let’s look at the normal steps and likely outcomes.


Most likely this will take place over two visits. Should an infection presently exist, then you will need to stop treatment for a while it is thoroughly treated with a course of antibiotics. This is necessary before normal dental work can resume.

Why would a root canal be needed?

Receiving a root canal in Hammersmith is a very common procedure performed by dentists, the treatment is also known as endodontics and it’s used to treat the infections that occur right at the centre of a tooth. This treatment isn’t generally painful and it can actually save the tooth that might otherwise have to be completely taken out. Why might it be needed? This infection can be caused by a number of things but most commonly results from bacteria residing in the mouth and basically taking over the tooth. Many things can lead to this including general tooth decay, poor or leaking fillings and maybe damage to the tooth as a result of a traumatic event such as a fall or facial injury.

What’s the structure of your teeth?

Firstly it’s important to know a little bit about teeth to understand this process of root canals in Hammersmith. The tooth is made of two specific parts, the root and the crown. The Crown is simply the top part of a tooth whereas the root is the part of the tooth that extends down under the gum and into the bone in your jaw. The aptly named root anchors your tooth into position. The root canal is the connection between one part and the other.

The Prep Work

Endodontics, root canals, by definition are under the teeth.  it’s necessary therefore for your dentist like the team at Kings Dental to begin treatment with an X-ray. This will give us the clearest picture of what is going on and the best chance of treating the cause effectively.

The process

While the rest of the process may seem daunting it should be noted that effective pain relief will be provided by your dentist and as a very common procedure much has been done to make it as comfortable as possible.

The tooth is exposed from the top to allow the pulp to be gently removed. This pulp is what carries the infection and must be removed. The canal itself is now exposed. This can is widened using files to allow it to be cleaned and filled. This is perhaps the longest part of the process but should not be rushed. Once completed the tooth is then refilled with the pulp and if necessary a crown may then be placed on top.

Though a reduced lifespan a tooth treated like this can last you many years. Speak to our team today for a more detailed view on what your personal treatment plan may be.