Looking after your oral health

Remember when you were a kid, and you’d go to the doctor and they’d look at your tongue and get you to say ‘aaaaaah’? They were checking out your oral health. Medicine has long used the health of the mouth as an indicator for the health of the rest of the body. If you have a white, furry tongue, or, heaven forbid, a green furry tongue, then something’s not right.

Oral Health in HammersmithNow research has backed up this tried and tested method of checking health and has discovered that illnesses in the rest of the body are indeed linked to your oral health.

Gum disease, which is a disease of inflammation, often works as a pointer to disease elsewhere in the body. It is often an indicator of heart disease. The idea goes that inflammation in the mouth causes inflammation in the blood vessels, raising blood pressure and allowing less blood to move through them.

Gum disease may also be linked to birth problems. Women are more likely to get gum disease when they are pregnant as the increased levels of progesterone in the body make life in the mouth more habitable for bacterial plaque. Researchers are investigating whether gum disease in the mother plays a role in low birth weight or babies born with learning disorders, heart conditions or lung conditions.

Gum disease is also linked to lung conditions. When gum disease is treated, fewer bacteria go down into the lungs to exacerbate problems there.

Obesity has also been linked to gum disease, which seems to progress faster when body fat is higher.

What can you do?

You can combat gum disease by having a great oral health routine. This means brushing your teeth twice a day with a soft bristled brush and a good fluoride toothpaste. You need to back this up with a good flossing once a day and perhaps also interdental brushes to remove trapped food.

You also need to come along to Kings Dental in Hammersmith for regular check-ups and cleanings to remove hardened plaque. Between us, we can make sure that your oral health is in A1 condition.

Make time for your teeth

Do you find that your lifestyle is so that busy that you can actually forget to look after your teeth? If that seems to be the case and you neglect brushing your teeth regularly, it is important to remind yourself of the impact that it will have on your oral health. Set an alarm, treat it as a ritual or do whatever it takes to dedicate a small amount of time to teeth that can be white, fresh and ready to smile.

Oral Health in HammersmithAt Kings Dental Clinic, we find that check-ups are useful for our patients. We are able to advise them on what the best hygiene routine might be for them, discussing the diets, tooth brushes and mouthwash. Once you know all about it, you can do it! Maintaining constantly good oral health is simply part of the morning and nightly routines, alongside the familiarities of taking a shower, eating breakfast and going to sleep.

Healthy means happy

In Hammersmith, oral health may be on your mind if you are starting to notice problems with your teeth. Poor oral health can lead to complications like gum disease and tooth decay. If it gets to the point where someone calls you out on bad breath or overly-stained teeth, that’s when you know something needs to be done. By coming to us as early as possible, our dentists can work to prevent further issues from arising, such as gingivitis.

Daily habits such as smoking can cause a fair bit of damage to your oral health, which is why our practice offers support to inform you of the risks and help you quit if you desire. In stopping smoking, your oral health would benefit greatly and give you the chance to have a long-lasting grin.

Our dentists at Kings Dental Clinic provide a range of treatments that work to both treat and prevent oral diseases in your mouth. Dental hygiene treatment involves a vigorous clean of the teeth, scaling and polishing to restore teeth ridden with plaque. While it may seem tedious, it’s so beneficial and the dentist will advise you on brushing techniques and how to get the most out of your floss!

Preventive dentistry and oral health in Hammersmith

Preventive dentistry is the branch of dentistry that helps you keep healthy teeth and gums. Even if you brush and floss your teeth daily, you still have to visit the dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings to ensure that you are not suffering from gum disease or tooth decay – the two most common causes of tooth loss. Working together with your dentist will help prevent the need for complex and expensive treatment.

Oral Health in HammersmithAt Kings Dental Clinic in Hammersmith, we strive to keep your teeth and gums healthy. The biggest part of achieving and preserving a healthy smile involves a commitment to healthy practices and proper oral hygiene. Our experienced dental hygienists will educate you on the basic tools and techniques required for maintaining your teeth and gums. Your home efforts coupled with our efforts at our practice, will help you avoid cavities, gum disease, enamel wear and other common dental conditions associated with poor oral health and negligence.

Preventive care strategies for optimal oral health

Basic preventive oral care strategies are easy to follow by both children and adults and will help you maintain your smile healthy and plaque-free between visits to your dentist. When it comes to personal oral care, the most important prevention technique is brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day to remove food debris and dental plaque from your teeth and gums. When you brush your teeth, ensure that you gently place the toothbrush below your gum line to remove as much plaque as possible.

If not removed, plaque can harden into tartar, a sticky substance full of bacteria than can cause tooth decay and gum disease. Your dentist can remove plaque and tartar during your regular cleaning, yet it is really important to remove as much as possible from your teeth after each meal.

In some cases, your dentist may recommend fluoride treatment after a cleaning, to strengthen your teeth and prevent tooth decay. A balanced diet, on the other hand, is also important in your fight against gum disease and tooth decay.

Ultimately, taking good care of your teeth and visiting the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings is the best strategy for keeping your teeth and gums healthy and plaque-free for a long time.